Welcome to Maroc Tour Evasion

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The desert always attracted the people. its impressive dimensions, its isolation, its silence in fact a mysterious place. It reminds us the modesty of our human condition and, paradoxically, he represents the fantasy to live a real adventure, new and transcendent. The desert goes beyond the first emotion which we feel when, in front of one, raises itself(draws up itself) the nothingness. More than a horizon was nibbled by the heat, the pebbles not to finish it any more and some sand which gives us the desire to dive there, it creates, in us, new feelings and fill us with a certain drunkenness. It makes us become aware of ourselves and questions us about the sense of our existence.

The desert isolates. Little by little, it surrounds the places of life and them reduced as much as he can. It also confuses the issue and tries to cut, besides of the world, those who resist it and persist in growing flowers where it would want to sow only space and isolation. The hospitality is thus natural girl of the desert and represent the solidarity of the people in front of this silent unlimitedness. The visitor is the one who brings news from the outside and who tells the life beyond the desert. It is even its main mission and the famous “bush telegraph” is only the funny naming of this function which the companies of the desert created to adapt itself. More still, beyond this function, developed a culture of the welcome(reception) around which weave the human relations ;

Whatever is their fortune or their social row(rank), the inhabitants of the desert developed the art to receive. Even if a road network reduced considerably the strength of isolation of the desert and even if the media and Internet allow to receive the news(short stories) without having to communicate with the other one, the doors of the desert always remain open and the visitor is always crowned. The famous mint tea accompanied with almonds(kernels) is offered to every meeting and in any circumstances.

All our proposals of Tours are flexibles and elements can be added and/or removed according to the duration of the stay and your desires there.

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Who we are

We are a French Moroccan couple: the one is from Moroccan desert and the other one is from Britanny (France). We are lovers of the desert and we want to make you share our experience: discover the wild oases, the authentic life of the nomads and the Berber villages, the big spaces and their energy silences. This journey is the opportunity to have an aware (conscious) break in our lives with the wild rhythm and to learn to know us through another environment. To make of your journey a new and fascinating experience, a memorable click in your life, we want to make you live all the wealth of the Berber  lifestyle

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